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Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Sporty, Independent, Expressive, Tough and J-freaks gal. I love singing, dancing, acting, eating and reading. My fave character is Doraemon and my fave colour is green

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[Wednesday, July 11, 2007]

June Notes

This week I've been shocked
Sad to know that I've missed a nice place that I loved just because..... someone's slow moving act
6 months' hope is meaningless
It seems that my dream fade away slowly (I hope not, must have positive thinking right?!)
Let's see what happen next and I hope I can live my dream and have a great family.

Another sad thing is about my sister. My lovely sister was sick and have been in hospital for 5 days..but not she's already in home. wish the best for her health.

Oh iya, tgl 27 June kmrn Sammy ultah belum sempet rayain berdua nanti aja lah sekalian anniversary
bulan2 ini soalnya byk bgt yg married, trus tgl 7 July my best friend Lia will have her BIG day!
congratulations for both of u (ben & lia) gw jd pager ayu loh hohoho (pengalaman pertama moga2 ga malu2in secara harus anggun waks hihi)

About work, this month all of the employees were busied by year end performance review, this is very critical moment since it will decide our promotion and salary level for the next year. I've already done my paperwork which consists of 4 engagement reviews and 1 year end review (ribet bo ngisi-nya hehehe..) Mudah2an perjuangan gw selama year end 2006 berakhir bagus

Semangat maju terus pantang munduuuuurrr

Sabbe satta bhavantu sukhitata

Posted by Dennita * 12:04 PM

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Pertama Kali Tugas ke Luar Kota

Selasa tgl 12 juni akhirnya setelah ampir 2 taon kerja di kantor ini, gw dapet juga tugas ke luar kota which is ke Lampung :D kesana sendirian, pegi pagi dan pulang malem naek Sriwijaya Air 7.30 s/d 18.00. Perjalanan memakan waktu 25 menit, untung dr kntr uda dikasi kursi nya yg windows jadi enak lah. Tugasnya cukup mudah cuma modal kamera soalnya cm review physical access, dapet uang saku lmyn jg hehehehe... rencana dari awal pengen berkelana sendiri disana ke pantai misalnya, tapi pas uda sampe sana ga jd deh, soalnya kota nya kecil bgt dan ga ada taxi, bnr2 buta jalan. Lagian gw pkr2 pantainya pst ga jauh beda ama di Bangka, kalo ga pst di Bangka lbh bagus hehe soalnya kt org2 di Lampung pantai disana jg ada pasir putih-nya.

Yang ga mgkn lupa ya ke toko oleh2 ^__^ enak2... murah2 semua serba pisanggg.. kl nykp gw pst uda maboq deh secara nykp ga suka mkn pisang, cium wangi pisang aja ga tahan :P
jadi beli buat nykp keripik nangka dan ubi aja. kripik pisang coklat Aneka bnr2 the BEST!!

Kesan terhadap org2 Tsel Lampung terutama NO nya, mereka ramah2 bgt dan welcome jadi gw ngerasa nyaman. Foto2 byk-an sih foto data center mending ga usa dipublish kan? yg ada muka gw ada 2 foto yg diambil dr lt. 4 gedung Tsel yang view nya laut dan gunung, yg lainnya ama bbrp staf disana.

Jadi pengen lagi tugas ke luar kota asal ga ke daerah konflik aja :D the fun is.. dapet byk pengalaman dan kenal org2 baru.

Posted by Dennita * 12:00 PM

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